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07/01/2024     Leanne is joining us as a graduate student from NGP! Welcome!

06/17/2024     Farewell to Yufei, UCSD Class of 2024! Congratulations, and we will miss you! 

06/28/2024    Yuren successfully defended her MS thesis. Congratulations!!

04/23/2024    Our lipid droplets paper is out in Cell Metabolism! We made it to the cover! 
                           News coverage: 


                           Congratulations to Yajuan and everyone on a very fruitful collaboration with the Shi lab!

04/08/2024    Yuhang successfully defended his MS thesis and will start his PhD at the Penn State Univ. Congratulations!                                 We will miss you!!

03/13/2024     Yuren is joining our lab as a BMS graduate student!

01/11/2024       Leigh-Ana is awarded the ADRC T32 pre-doctoral training fellowship!​

10/11/2023       Leigh-Ana has advanced to candidacy with flying colors! Congratulations!

03/01/2023       Our lab is featured on the March newsletter of Cell Signaling Club at San Diego. Check it out here!

We have a new lab manager/technician, Gabriela joining us!

01/03/2023       Welcome our new postdoc fellow, Shanshan Zhao!

12/15/2022        Welcome our new PhD student, Leigh-Ana, joining us from the BMS program!

08/17/2022       Our Katz R01 is awarded! We are actively hiring!!

07/18/2022       Congratulations to Daniel who is awarded a postdoc fellowship from Alzheimer's Association!

06/02/2022      John is leaving us to attend medical school in New Jersey. Congratulations!! We will miss you...

05/03/2022      Our collaborative work with Dr. Sheng Zhong's lab is published in Cell Metabolism. Congratulations everyone!
                             News coverage:

05/01/2022       Our first R01 is funded!

04/20/2022       We have three new undergrad researchers joining us! Jamie, Yuren and Stacy, welcome!

04/01/2022       Yuhang Nie is joining us to work on BISP199 and BS/MS. He will be our new fly guy in the lab!

09/20/2021       Daniel
Muñoz Mayorga, our new postdoctoral fellow, came to join us from Mexico. Welcome, Daniel!

05/01/2021        Welcome our two new undergrad researchers, Dasty and Shireen!

03/01/2021        Suborno Jati will be a joint-postdoc working on aging and metabolic regulation of tauopathy.

09/20/2020       Bobby Nhan joined the lab to work on his BS/MS thesis. Welcome, Bobby!

07/20/2020       John Girardini, a newly gradated Triton, joined the lab as Lab Manager and Technician.  â€‹Welcome, John!

01/01/2020       Happy New Year 2020! The Chen lab website is officially launched today!

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